Author Title Taken By Returned
Adiga - Aravind The White Tiger Jenny Yes
Allende - Isabel Long Petal of the Sea Christa Yes
Boulter - Michael Darwin's Garden Pam Yes
Carofiglio - Gianrico Involuntary Witness Sally Yes
Carofiglio - Gianrico Temporary Perfections Richard Yes
Cummins - Janine American Dirt Yvette Yes
Dahl - Alex The Boy at the Door Alison Yes
Gladwell - Malcolm What the Dog Saw Sally Yes
Griffin - Ann When all is Said and Done Sally Yes
Hertmans - Stefan The Convert Richard Yes
Jewell - Lisa The Family Upstairs Sally Yes
Leonard - Elmore The Hunted Jenny Yes
Luiselli - Valeria Lost Children Archive Sally Yes
McCann - Colum Apeirogon Christa Yes
McFarlane Underland Pam Yes
Meyer - Deon Fever Christa Yes
Meyer - Deon The Woman in the Blue Cloak Jenny Yes
Mutwa - Credo Indaba Alison Yes
Navin - Rhiannon Only Child Sally Yes
Rooney - Sally Normal People Christa Yes
Shreve - Anita Body Surfing Alison Yes
Thomas - Scarlett Oligarchy Pam Yes
Winn - Raynor The Salt Path Jenny Yes