Author Title Taken By Returned
Andrew - Sally Death on the Limpopo Jane Yes
Balson - Ronald The Girl from Berlin Sally Yes
Boulter - Michael Darwin's Garden Alison Yes
Camilleri - Andrea The Other End of the Line Richard Yes
Coe - Jonathan Mr Wilder & Me Christa Yes
Cruz Smith The Siberian Dilemma Alison Yes
Gladwell - Malcolm What the Dog Saw Christa Yes
Griffin - Ann When all is Said and Done Christa Yes
Heap -Joe When the music stops Sally Yes
Heynes - Michiel A Poor Season for Whales Christa Yes
Mantel - Hilary The Mirror and the Light Sally Yes
McFarlane Underland Yvette Yes
Mytting - Lars The Bell in the Lake Jenny Yes
Nanni - Giordano The Colonisation of Time Alison Yes
Navin - Rhiannon Only Child Sally Yes
Nichols - David The Understudy Jenny Yes
Poland - Marguerite Sin of Omission Christa Yes
Strout - Elizabeth Olive Again Yvette Yes
Winn -Raynor The wild silence Alison Yes