Author Title Taken By Returned
Blackburn - Julia Dreaming the Karoo Sally Yes
De Botton - Alain The Course of Love Yvette Yes
Foley - Lucy The Paris Apartment Alison Yes
Franzen - Jonathan Crossroads Christa Yes
Galbraith - Robert The Ink Black Heart Jenny Yes
Garmus - Bonnie Lessons in Chemistry Richard Yes
Heap - Joe Rules of Seeing Richard Yes
Heydenrych Loxton Power Schimmel Chasing Marian Alison Yes
Kingsolver - Barbara Demon Copperhead Yvette Yes
Law-Viljoen - Bronwyn Notes on Falling Jane Yes
Leggat - Helen Maudy Jane Yes
McCullough - Joy Blood Water Paint Christa Yes
Mytting - Lars The Reindeer Hunters Alison Yes
O'Farrel - Margie Instructions for a Heat Wave Alison Yes
Osman - Richard The man who died twice Jane Yes
Potter - Alexandra One good thing Christa Yes
Rebanks - James English Pastoral Yvette Yes
Reluctant carer The reluctant carer Sally Yes
St Aubyn - Edward Dunbar Sally Yes
Swift - Graham Here we are Jane Yes
Tremain - Rose Lily Jane Yes
Tyler - Anne French Braid Jenny Yes
Winkler - Mark Theo and Flora Christa Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow Sally Yes