Author Title Taken By Returned
Backman - Frederick Anxious People Christa Yes
Blackburn - Julia Dreaming the Karoo LindaBland Yes
Blackburn - Julia Dreaming the Karoo Linda Yes
De Botton - Alain The Course of Love Sally Yes
Foley - Lucy The Paris Apartment Richard Yes
McCullough - Joy Blood Water Paint Jenny Yes
Mendelson - Charlotte The Exhibitionist Sally Yes
Nicolson - Adam The sea is not made of water LindaBland Yes
Nicolson - Adam The sea is not made of water Linda Yes
Osman - Richard The man who died twice Christa Yes
Otsuka - Julie The swimmers Christa Yes
Potter - Alexandra One good thing LindaBland Yes
Reluctant carer The reluctant carer Alison Yes
Swift - Graham Here we are Sally Yes
Winkler - Mark Theo and Flora Sally Yes
Winman - Sarah Tin Man Alison Yes
Yishai-Levi - Sarit Beauty Queen of Jerusalem Alison Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow Richard Yes