Author Title Taken By Returned
Catton - Eleanor Birnam Wood Jane Yes
Davidar - David A Clutch of Indian Masterpieces Christa Yes
Faloyin - Dipo Africa is not a Country Jenny Yes
Franzen - Jonathan Crossroads Jenny Yes
Geiger - Arno Hinterland Jenny Yes
Hamalian(ed) Great Stories by Nobel Winners Jenny Yes
Hardy - Sarah The Walled Garden Alison Yes
Heynes - Michiel Each Mortal Thing Christa Yes
Kimmerer - Robin Wall Braiding Sweetgrass Jane Yes
Kimmerer - Robin Wall Braiding Sweetgrass Jane Yes
Okri - Ben Last Gift of the Master Artists Alison Yes
Olafsdottir - Audur Animal Life Christa Yes
Reluctant carer The reluctant carer Jane Yes
Strout - Elizabeth Lucy by the Sea Jane Yes
Vincent - Alice Why Women Grow Alison Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow Alison Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Young Jane Young Jane Yes