Author Title Taken By Returned
Ali - Monica Love Marriage Andrea Yes
Aoyama - Michiko What you are Looking for is in the Library Jenny Yes
Atkinson - Kate Shrines of Gaiety Sally Yes
Backman - Frederick Anxious People Robin Yes
Boyd - William The Romantic Christa Yes
Catton - Eleanor Birnam Wood Richard Yes
Conradie - Ina Dance on the Red-Brown Earth Andrea Yes
Donaghue - Emma Haven Sally Yes
Enright - Ann The Wren Jane Yes
Evans - Diana A House for Alice Rosemary Yes
Faulks - Sebastian The Seventh Son Jenny Yes
Gayle - Mike The museum of ordinary people Susie Yes
Geiger - Arno Hinterland Jane Yes
Goddard - Robert One False Move Susie Yes
Hawker - Luke Adam The Last Tree Susie Yes
Hoja - Gulchehra A Stone most precious Andrea Yes
Joyce - Rachel Maureen Fry Linda Yes
Karunatilaka - Shehan The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida Andrea Yes
Keegan - Claire Small Things Rosemary Yes
McCullough - Joy Blood Water Paint Susie Yes
Mytting - Lars The Reindeer Hunters Robin Yes
Napolitano - Ann Hello Beautiful Christa Yes
Olafsdottir - Audur Animal Life Linda Yes
Rubin - Rick The Creative Act Christa Yes
Shamsie - Kamila Burnt Shadows Alison Yes
Strout - Elizabeth Lucy by the Sea Alison Yes
Strout - Elizabeth Lucy by the Sea Sally Yes
Verghese -Abraham Covenant of Water Alison Yes
Winman - Sarah Tin Man Robin Yes
Winton - Tim Shepherd's Hut Sally Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Young Jane Young Sally Yes