Author Title Taken By Returned
Alderman - Naomi The Power Sally Yes
Aoyama - Michiko What you are Looking for is in the Library Andrea Yes
Atkinson - Kate Shrines of Gaiety Jenny Yes
Atkinson - Kate Shrines of Gaiety Jenny Yes
Backman - Frederick Anxious People Sally Yes
Blackburn - Julia Dreaming the Karoo Robin Yes
Boyd - William The Romantic Alison Yes
Brooks Geraldine Horse Alison Yes
Catton - Eleanor Birnam Wood Sally Yes
Donaghue - Emma Haven Richard Yes
Enright - Ann The Wren Jenny Yes
Faulks - Sebastian The Seventh Son Andrea Yes
Ferris - Joshua A Calling for Charlie Barnes Jenny Yes
Hawker - Luke Adam The Last Tree Christa Yes
Heap - Joe Rules of Seeing Robin Yes
Heynes - Michiel Each Mortal Thing Richard Yes
Hoja - Gulchehra A Stone most precious Linda Yes
Hughes - Evan The Hard Sell Jenny Yes
Joyce - Rachel Maureen Fry Christa Yes
Keegan - Claire Small Things Robin Yes
Lee Min Jin Pachinko Alison Yes
Mytting - Lars The Reindeer Hunters Linda Yes
Okri - Ben Last Gift of the Master Artists Jenny Yes
Olafsdottir - Audur Animal Life Alison Yes
Rubin - Rick The Creative Act Jenny Yes
Tartt Donna The Secret History Sally Yes
Verghese -Abraham Covenant of Water Sally Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Young Jane Young Sally Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Young Jane Young Robin Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Young Jane Young Robin Yes