Author Title Taken By Returned
Atkinson - Kate Shrines of Gaiety Admin Yes
Backman - Frederick Anxious People Shayleen Yes
Barry - Sebastian Old God's Time Robin Yes
Blake - Audrey Woman with No Name Christa Yes
Blake - Audrey Woman with No Name Christa Yes
Boyne - John Water Alison Yes
Brooks Geraldine Horse Robin Yes
Brown - Natasha Assembly Sally Yes
Burton - Jessie The Confession Susie Yes
Catton - Eleanor Birnam Wood Shayleen Yes
Conradie - Ina Dance on the Red-Brown Earth Rosemary Yes
Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu Book of Joy Jenny Yes
De Bernieres - Lois Birds Without Wings Jenny Yes
Faloyin - Dipo Africa is not a Country Shayleen Yes
Ferguson - Melinda Bamboozled Linda Yes
Ferguson - Melinda Bamboozled Linda Yes
Ferris - Joshua A Calling for Charlie Barnes Sally Yes
Ford - Olivia Mrs Quinn's Rise to Fame Andrea Yes
Galbraith - Robert Running Grave Richard Yes
Galbraith - Robert The Ink Black Heart Admin Yes
Gayle - Mike Seeing Other People Robin Yes
Hamid Mohsin The last white man Andrea Yes
Heynes - Michiel Each Mortal Thing Admin Yes
Heynes - Michiel Each Mortal Thing Admin Yes
Hoja - Gulchehra A Stone most precious Sally Yes
Irwin - Ron My Side of the Ocean Jenny Yes
Irwin - Ron My Side of the Ocean Jenny Yes
Keegan - Claire So late in the day Shayleen Yes
Keegan - Claire Small Things Rosemary Yes
Keegan - Claire So late in the day Shayleen Yes
Keel - Ellie The Four Andrea Yes
Khan - Shubnum Lost Love of Akbar Manzil Susie Yes
Khan - Shubnum Lost Love of Akbar Manzil Susie Yes
Kriel - Helena The Year of Facing Fire Susie Yes
Lackberg - Camilla The Cuckoo Alison Yes
Lehlomela - Moshitadi The Girl who survived her mother Christa Yes
Lynch - Paul Prophet Song Sally Yes
Meyer Deon The dark flood Sally Yes
Michaelides - Alex The Silent Patient Richard Yes
Moss - Tara The War Widow Susie Yes
Moyes - Jojo Someone Else's Shoes Rosemary Yes
Moyes - Jojo Someone Else's Shoes Rosemary Yes
Mytting - Lars The Reindeer Hunters Alison Yes
O'Farrel - Margie Instructions for a Heat Wave Shayleen Yes
O'Hare - Mick Farts Aren't Invisible Admin Yes
O'Hare - Mick Farts Aren't Invisible Admin Yes
O'Hare - Mick Farts Aren't Invisible Admin Yes
O'Hare - Mick Farts Aren't Invisible Admin Yes
Okri - Ben Tiger work Alison Yes
Smith - Zadie The Fraud Christa Yes
Solnit - Rebecca Faraway Nearby Andrea
Solnit - Rebecca Wanderlust Jenny Yes
Tan Twan Eng The House of Doors Susie Yes
Zevin - Gabrielle Young Jane Young Christa Yes